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Home Singtime 2023

38th Annual Singtime Frolics weekend 

March 24-26, 2023


Join us in person for a Spring weekend of singing, jamming, learning and sharing at Portland FolkMusic Society's annual Singtime Frolics retreat. You will spend two nights there in a very beautiful spot. There will be events all day - and we will post the schedule here shortly before the weekend begins. We'll eat together, and the food is good. If you want to take a break from music, you can do whatever you like, including walking on trails overlooking the Columbia Gorge.


Singtime begins on Friday, March 24, at 2:00 PM, and ends at noon on Sunday, March 26. Read all about Singtime below.

And if you know you are coming to Singtime and you're ready to register  click here!  


Singtime is an opportunity for you share yourself and your music. Some participants volunteer to lead workshops and song circles. 

In song circles, everyone sings songs of a certain type (Child Ballads, Sea Shanteys, Carter Family, Beatles) or songs on a certain theme (love triangles, human rights, dogs). 

Workshops or demonstrations involve you sharing something with the other participants in a way that they end up learning through doing.

There really aren't any hard rules. You propose it, and if we can fit it into the schedule, we will!

When you register, there will be a chance to offer to lead a workshop or song circle.

Cost, Scholarships, Contributions

Bunks in shared rooms: $225
Double private rooms: $295/per person
Single private rooms: $495

We want everyone to be able to afford Singtime and there is a scholarship fund for the bunks and double private rooms - thanks to contributions from participants in past years. If you would like a scholarship, you will find a place to ask for it on the registration form.

And, if you are able to contribute to the scholarship fund, you'll find a place to do that also on the registration form.

Guest Artist Kenny Feinstein

We are very pleased to have Kenny Feinstein as this year's guest artist. He will offer a short concert and a couple of workshops, and will generally be available to the participants to talk about whatever. Kenny has roots in the Pacific Northwest: he earned a music degree from the University of Oregon.

Kenny is at home in lots of genres and playing several different instruments. He is a founder of the band Water Tower, described as acid bluegrass, and whose music has been described as “a must-have for the modern-day folk revivalist”. But don't take those words too seriously: Kenny defies easy classification, which makes him exciting to be with.

He has produced albums with Grammy award winning and major label friends such as Tim Armstrong and Coffey Anderson, and has recorded for Disney and Sesame Street.

Not only a performer, Kenny has also been a frequent instructor at the Puget Sound Guitar Workshop. 

Banjo player Jesse Blue Eads will join Kenny to bring you even more fun and exciting music.

Covid Safety


For people who are vaccinated, Covid is much less dangerous than it was two years ago. But it's not over, and we also know that some of the people who want to come to Singtime may be particularly vulnerable to Covid. We really really don't want you to get Covid, or to give us Covid. We have thought about the best way to keep everyone safe. 

So, we require that everyone be vaccinated with at least one booster shot. Then we ask you to take a test on Friday, the first day of Singtime. Finally, we ask you not to come if you are symptomatic. We are not requiring that people wear masks. However, wearing a mask provides you with some protection and provides the people around you with even more protection if you are sick without knowing it, so masks are recommended. 

There are screening questions on the registration form and you will be asked to agree to the Covid policies. 

Thank you for your understanding.


Please consider donating. You will help PFS cover its costs today, and bring you lots more good things in the future.  Contribute to PFS .
About Menucha

Menucha Retreat and Conference Center has been the home of PFS's Singtime Frolics for years.

It's a lovely, peaceful spot, perfect for a musical weekend. We hold concerts and events for everyone in the Great Hall, eat together on the enclosed porch, and breakout into various small rooms for workshops. If you want to take a break from singing, there are walks overlooking the Columbia River Gorge. 
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Singing in the Great Hall

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"Working" in a Workshop!

One more good thing...

Warm thanks to our friends at KBOO fm for supporting the community, for bringing us lots of great music, and for helping get the word out about Singtime!
Registration is open - Better than ever!

We just tweaked the registration process so that everyone can choose their own room and their own bed in that room. And registration is open, so go for it. All the beds are fine, but you might think that some are fine-r than others, so there's an advantage in registering early so you can get the bed you want near the people you want.


Couples have to register separately, and pay separately. We are sorry for that inconvenience. If you want to share a bed or a bedroom you can do that of course when it comes time to pick your sleeping arrangements. However, again, you will have to do that separately. 

Special Needs

If you have special dietary needs, please contact Menucha directly: Read their description of options carefully and then let them know what you need.


If you have other special needs, such as proximity to the dining area and the Great Hall, or you need to avoid stairs, please let us know in the following box and we'll do our best to meet your needs.

During the registration process, you will asked if you would like to volunteer to help with SIngtime or lead a workshop. We will ask you to agree to the Covid Safety procedures.

Before you pay, you can ask for a scholarship if you need one, and help support other people if you can afford to chip in some extra money.

To register, just click here!  

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